Buy Sell Homes International would like to offer you several ways to get more business as well as increase your online presence and personal brand. There are 3 ways that we can get you more business:
1. Post your listings on our high traffic international real estate website to get your listings in front of more buyers' eyes instantly. Not only do you get advertising for your listings while promoting your name, you can also use this in your listing presentations to let your sellers know that you advertising on Buy Sell Homes International, as part of your marketing plan. Free trial offer available for a limited time only. Posting your listings is quick and easy: Post Your Ad Now
2. Become a certified local specialist in your region to become eligible for out of town referrals and relocations. We get many requests from buyers who need a trusted real estate professional in a specific region. Contact us to qualify as a Certified Buyer's Agent or Relocation Specialist in your region in order to receive these referrals. Email us to apply for our Referral Program, please include a brief bio and years of experience in your region.
3. Exchange links with us for direct traffic to your real estate website. If you qualify for this program, we will list your website on our resources page. This requires a reciprocal link on your website(s). Please contact us for details. Email our webmaster to exchange links and make sure to include your reciprocal link.
Buy Sell Homes International has been advertising real estate online since 2008. We are known for our popular real estate listings website and excellent customer service. We hope to personally make your acquaintance and look forward to building a long term business relationship with you and helping you grow your real estate business. Please contact us for details about our Realtor Programs.